Transmission Repair Services in Provo, UT

Our Transmission Services

No matter your type of vehicle—automatic, manual, 4-wheel drive, or front-wheel drive—our certified mechanics can quickly diagnose the root cause of the problem to help you make the best decision for quality transmission repair services in Provo, UT.

We perform the following repair services on transmissions:

  • Fluid Leak Repair: Our mechanics can pinpoint the source of fluid leaks.
  • Transmission Flush: A flush removes grease and sludge build-up from your transmission.
  • Transmission Replacement: Our certified technicians have the equipment and training to replace an old transmission with a new, durable model.
  • Clutch Repair and Replacement: Clutches frequently get worn out over time and need replacement.

Signs There Is a Problem with Your Transmission

The transmission is one of the most critical components of your vehicle, and yet many people only think about it once there is a problem. However, your transmission may give you a few warning signs that it needs to be inspected and repaired early on. If you notice any of the following concerns, bring your vehicle to Computune Certified Auto Repair for top-notch transmission repair services in Provo, UT:

  • Unusual Smells: The transmission uses various fluids to keep it operating correctly. However, they should not produce any smell. A burning smell could indicate a problem with the transmission’s performance, and it should be brought into our team.
  • Oil or Fluid Leaks: You may also notice a leak, which could be transmission fluid. Leaks are nothing to ignore since they can often indicate that your vehicle does not have the popper coolant and fluid to operate safely. Bring your car in for repair if you notice any.
  • Vehicle Grinding or shaking: When your vehicle is moving forward, do you feel as though there is a grinding feeling coming from the engine? Likewise, you may feel that the car is shaking or feels like it is not operating smoothly. These are all indications the transmission is not performing well.
  • Troublesome jerking movements: You may notice that the transmission jerks or lunges forward instead of allowing the car to move normally. If it seems to be a sudden jerking movement ahead, that is an indication of a significant problem related to the vehicle’s regular functionality.
  • Slipping gears: This is often harder to notice, but you may feel that the vehicle is not accelerating the way it should. For example, you may feel a slight jolt as the speed climbs instead of a smooth transition forward.

There are other situations where the problem may be more noticeable. For example, your car may simply not “go.” It could be powered on and operating but will not move when you step on the gas pedal. When something like this happens, it can quite quickly create a safety risk. This is a tell-tale sign that you’ll need transmission repair services in Provo, UT.

Preventative Maintenance Matters, Too

As you look at all of the options available to you for keeping your vehicle operating at its best, remember that routine maintenance of your transmission really does make a difference. If you have not brought your vehicle in recently for a tune-up or a transmission flush, now may be the time to do so. 

We recommend having your transmission inspected at least one time every six months or when you have your oil changed if it is an older car. If there are any signs of concern, do not wait to bring it to us for transmission repair services in Provo, UT.

Trust Computune Certified Auto Repair with Your Transmission Today!

With our experience providing comprehensive auto service to our customers, we can help ensure your transmission and your car are working at their best overall. Let us go to work for you with first-class transmission repair services in Provo, UT. We provide complete inspections and repairs, handle the preventative maintenance tasks your manufacturer requires, and help you keep your vehicle on the road and operating well.

Give us a call now to schedule the transmission service you need or just to speak to our team about potential signs and symptoms of a transmission problem you are having. We are happy to offer numerous options for bringing your car in. With competitive pricing and reliable service, we can be the best choice for your needs!